Regulatory Reporting software for Companies, Banks and Insurers.
Introducing the Authority Suite.
Report Authority is an XBRL enabled report writer for combining numeric information with textual commentary into free-flowing financial reports such as financial statements, board reports and other regulatory reports.
Content can be linked to external data sources such as Microsoft Excel, OneStream, Oracle HFM and Essbase and reports can be exported into many different formats such as Word, PDF, XBRL or iXBRL.
DPM Authority produces XBRL instance documents based on taxonomies built using the Data Point Model methodology pioneered by the European Banking Association (EBA) & European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).
Covers CRD IV (COREP, FINREP etc.), Solvency II QRTs and other national reporting. Integrates with data in Microsoft Excel, relational databases, OneStream, Oracle HFM and Essbase.
XML Authority produces XML reports as needed for AIFMD, FATCA, CRS, Country by Country, SAF-T, AnaCredit, MiFID II and many others.
Schemas from the schema library (or user imported schemas) are displayed in a non-technical way and elements can be linked to external data sources such as Excel or relational databases.
report authority
financial report writer
with xbrl capabilities.
dpm authority
XBRL reporting for CRD IV (COREP/FINREP) and Solvency II.
xml authority
XML Reporting Software.