Simplifying Regulatory Reporting

Simplifying Regulatory Reporting

XBRL Data Point Model Reporting Software.
Create XBRL reports that comply with regulators’ reporting standards.
Generate Excel versions of the templates with built-in automatic calculations, ready to link to your data sources for automated data collection.
Integrate directly with data from your source systems, such as relational databases, Oracle HFM & Essbase and OneStream.
Validate and resolve data issues using interactive validation messages designed to take you right to the cause of any data quality issues.
Easily migrate data mappings and Excel workings from one taxonomy to another.
XBRL Data Point Model Reporting Software.
Create XBRL reports that comply with regulators’ reporting standards.
Generate Excel versions of reports with automatic calculations.
Integrate directly with data from your source systems, such as relational databases, Oracle HFM & Essbase and OneStream.
Validate and resolve data issues using interactive validation messages designed to take you right to the cause of any data quality issues.
Easily migrate data mappings and Excel workings from one taxonomy to another.
Covering All Your Regulatory Reporting.
DPM Authority can support any data point model XBRL taxonomy.
See how it works
DPM Authority provides a single, intuitive tool that covers all XBRL reporting requirements.
Lighten your compliance burden by flexibly linking to data from diverse sources, and minimising the effort of moving from one XBRL taxonomy to another.
Streamline your XBRL reporting
Generate compliant XBRL reports based on regulators’ taxonomies.
Automate the report with data in your systems. Connect to Microsoft Excel, Onestream, Oracle Hyperion HFM, Essbase and Relational Databases.
Validate and resolve data issues using DPM Authority’s interactive validation messages designed to take you right to the cause of any data quality issues.
Stay up to date by easily migrating data from one taxonomy version to another. We keep up to date with regulator changes so you don’t have to.
How does it work?
Covering All Your Regulatory Reporting.
DPM Authority can support any data point model XBRL taxonomy.
Banking XBRL Reporting
- European Banking Authority (EBA)
CRD (COREP & FINREP) - Single Resolution Board (SRB)
Resolution & Ex ante contributions - ECB Reporting
- EBA Investment Firms Reporting
(IFR / IFD) - National XBRL Reporting
Insurance XBRL Reporting
- EIOPA Solvency II (Pillar 3 QRT’s)
- EIOPA Pension Funds
- EIOPA FICOD (Financial Conglomerates)
- National Insurance XBRL Reporting
(National Supervisory Templates)
National XBRL Reporting
- Central Bank of Ireland
- De Netherlandsche Bank
- Luxembourg’s CSSF
- Banque de France
- Bank of England
- Banco de Portugal
- Deutche Bundesbank
- Finansinspektionen
- Narodowy Bank Polski
- and many more…
Don’t see the framework you are looking for?
Streamline your Reporting.
Generate compliant XBRL reports based on regulators’ taxonomies.
Automate the report with data in your systems. Connect to Microsoft Excel, Onestream, Oracle Hyperion HFM, Essbase and Relational Databases.
Validate and resolve data issues using DPM Authority’s interactive validation messages designed to take you right to the cause of any data quality issues.
Stay up to date by easily migrating data from one taxonomy version to another. We keep up to date with regulator changes so you don’t have to.
See Also…
XML Reporting Software
- Pillar 2
- Country-by-Country Reporting
- Securities and Markets Reporting (EMIR & more)
- and any other XML reporting
- ESG Reporting – CSRD / ESRS
- Irish Revenue
- Danish Business Authority
- South African CIPC
- and many others
- EBA Capital Requirements (CRD)
- EIOPA Solvency II
- Single Resolution Board
- Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation
- National Banking and Insurance
XBRL Reporting