
16th July 2024

13:00-14:00 GMT

Mastering DORA Compliance

A guide for Financial Institutitions to comply with the Digital Operations Resilience Act

Authority Software Logo
Quantum Cyber Analytics Logo

Hosted by Authority Software in collaboration with Quantum Cyber Analytics


The DORA regulation introduces significant new requirements for financial institutions, including robust cybersecurity measures, supply chain risk management, and enhanced reporting to authorities.

This complimentary webinar will equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to navigate the DORA landscape.

What You Can Learn


  • Understanding DORA: We’ll break down the key implications for your organisation.
  • Building Cyber Resilience: Implementing effective controls to meet DORA’s demanding standards.
  • Managing Your Supply Chain: Mitigating cyber risks throughout your ecosystem.
  • Streamlining DORA Reporting: Leveraging DPM Authority to efficiently report DORA in XBRL format.

Register to attend

Complete the form to register for the webinar

    iXBRL enabled report writer for reporting:

    • UK HMRC
    • Irish Revenue
    • Danish Business Authority
    • and many others

    XBRL Reporting Software for reporting:

    • EIOPA Solvency II
    • Single Resolution Board
    • National Banking and Insurance
      XBRL Reporting

    XML Reporting Software for reporting:

    • AIFMD
    • Country by Country Reporting
    • MiFID II
    • and many others